If you haven’t picked up the great deal that is A Christmas to Remember yet, you’ve only got a week before it goes away for good! This is a multi-author box set, chock full of eight Christmas romances by some of the blogging authors over at Inspy Romance.
You’ll find A Christmas to Remember on Amazon for only 99 cents… and in Kindle Unlimited to read free.
Yes, my contribution, The Cowboy’s Christmas Reunion, will release solo when the box set goes away, but it will be $2.99 for only one story, not 99 cents for eight, so… go snag a copy while you can.
About The Cowboy’s Christmas Reunion:
The Cowboy Santa program is supposed to be a chance to help his neighbors. When Kade Delgado’s ex-fiancée, now a single mom, shows up on his list, neither of them are thrilled. Is there any hope for a second chance at love?
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