Forward Motion Writers Community is one of the premier sites for writers on the internet. I’ve been a member there for almost six years and a moderator for three. It’s a very active place with knowledgeable, helpful people from around the world who write short and long in many different genres.
The site owner, Lazette Gifford, is offering a free course in which the participants will write and edit a complete novel over a two year time frame. Sign-ups are currently available at FM’s main discussion board, and the new course will begin in January. The course is open to all members, and membership is free. I’ve taken the 2yn (2 year novel) course twice and found much in Zette’s methods to be helpful to me.
Not only that, but Forward Motion will be celebrating its tenth anniversary throughout 2008. It’s a good time to come on over and join the fun. We’ve got some great plans to kick off the anniversary celebrations!