Five great titles, all released in August, 2013, are eyeing each other, testing each other, ready to clash. What am I talking about?
Clash of the Titles was begun in 2010 as a fun promotional site for Christian fiction. Each month several brand new releases are “pitted” against each other by virtue of a two-sentence blurb. Visitors <–that means YOU!!! swing by and vote for the title/blurb that intrigues them the most. Basically the one that is most likely to hit the top of their to-be-read pile. (It’s okay if you’ve read it already.)
This requires no site membership, no login, nothing fancy. Just go on by, read the five blurbs, look at the covers, and vote for one of them via Survey Monkey. It’s a pure-and-simple popularity contest! So, yes, of course, I hope you’ll vote for Raspberries and Vinegar, but if one of the other catches your attention more, well, I’ll still love you.
Voting ends on October 2. Click here for the Clash of the Titles.