Thanks to many new readers and followers in the past few months. 🙂 Times, they’ve been a-changin’ since the beginning of 2011 when I randomly decided to work my way through the alphabet for one of my blog posts every week. As you may have noticed, we met Z on Monday.
In 2010, I served up a ‘Green Bite’ every Monday, and now that the alphabet set is concluded, I’d like some input from you, my readers and friends (or both at the same time, lol), as to what type of posts YOU would most like to see. With that in mind, I’ve downloaded the polldaddy plugin and created my first ever poll. You may select as many of the answers as you like.
I’d also really appreciate any comments you might have as to what draws you over from Facebook or Twitter to read the entire post on my site.
Note that I reserve the right to post what appeals to me regardless of the answers, but I’ll surely take your opinions into account at the same time.
FYI Val, after I voted the results page said there were zero votes. Granted, I hadn’t had my tea yet but I doubt it would tell me no one voted if I hadn’t hit submit.
Wendy, right now it is telling me one person has voted with OTHER. Hey peeps, if you vote OTHER maybe tell me what kind of other you’re talking about? 🙂
It’d be awesome if all you pollsters commented… 😛
It looks like the counts are rising.
I either get your RSS feed on Google Reader or click over from FB or Twitter when they tell me you’ve posted.
Thank you, Jean. Twitter does a better notification job than FB, I think.
I see the seasonal recipes seem to be a favorite. 🙂
What draws me over to read the whole post? Well, one thing is actually seeing the link, which I don’t always. (This is why I like e-mail delivery; I don’t miss posts.) It also has to catch my attention, which, you know — ooh, shiny!
Thanks, Erin. I know that sometimes on FB, my twitterfeed link gets buried in with a bunch of other ones, so that’s a problem over there. Twitter at least doesn’t try to categorize updates and just puts them in chronological order.
I’ll look into an email feed. Thanks for the tip 🙂
I voted. You’re in my daily RSS feed but I’ve cut back on blogs I read. Trying to spend less time online, ya know?
Thanks, Tam! I think it’s interesting we’re all admitting to reading fewer blogs, while more and more people are jumping on the blogging bandwagon. That means there needs to be value, or why bother. And everyone has different ideas of value.
I misread the first option (not sure what I thought it said, but I’m *definitely* interested in hearing your book news!), and actually voted for writing life, seasonal recipes, and book reviews. So imagine another vote for your book news. I’m starting to blog, but I only read/comment on Sundays. What mainly pulls me in is people I already know and posts that are interesting. And I use an RSS reader to keep me organized :).
Thanks for your votes, Raven!