That was a busy weekend! On Friday I helped setup and decorate for Jim’s sis’s wedding, which was held Saturday afternoon. Also daughter and son-in-law arrived, but the other half of the kids weren’t able to make it home. Saturday it rained on and off, and when wedding time arrived at 4, clouds were rolling in again. The outdoor wedding was kept fairly short, and even so the final pronouncement was followed by a clap of thunder that had everybody running for shelter in the nick of time. They had rented some large tents, and everyone huddled underneath them for an hour or so, then it cleared up and the weather was great for the evening.
Sunday Jim’s mom hosted breakfast for all the relatives and friends that were around for the wedding and our anniversary party. In between the two events, our truck broke down again. It has Jim somewhat puzzled, as it works most of the time, and then refuses to start. If he keeps having trouble with it, he’ll take it into the GM dealership on his next days off.
The anniversary party was nice. Hanna had a lot of fun organizing it and setting it up. We didn’t invite a whole lot of people, but we did have a good time with those who were able to make it. Aside from family and local friends, two couples came from quite a distance to spend the time with us. Them we invited to the farm for a barbeque supper and spent the evening together. Our friends from the coast also had a vehicle breakdown as they came into town on Saturday. They had to be towed down off the mountain, and today their vehicle was towed to the nearest larger town (in the opposite direction of their home, I might add…) So they’re still in town, and we’ll be spending the evening together again today. Hopefully their vehicle will be ready to roll tomorrow, and they won’t be back home *too* late. They already had to cancel Tuesday work.
Jim cut hay Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. We now have about forty acres of hay down, and hope that it stays dry (the current forecast is in our favor). Jim starts two night shifts today, and his dad expects to start baling tomorrow. When Jim gets home he’ll hook the other tractor up to the bale wagon and start the stacking procedure. If nothing breaks down, it should be off by next weekend; he starts day shift next Sunday. Then he’ll have another smaller field to cut as well. He’ll be glad when this field is done.
Today has been busy at work, and I’ve been rather tired. But tomorrow I intend to get back in the swing of my novel, and see if I can’t finish the first draft this week yet. I’ll give it a good go, anyway…
lindaruth says
Happy anniversary! (how many years?)
Valerie Comer says
25. The kids decided to piggy back the event on their aunt’s wedding! And then our son couldn’t make it after all. Oh well…