It’s been a couple years probably since I’ve posted a photo tour of where I walk daily. This morning it was -15 Celcius (about +5F) and the hoar frost was intensively beautiful. I waited till the sun came up (after 9) to walk Brody and grabbed the camera. We’ve had only a couple of small snowfalls since the first week of January. Since then, most days have been about the same temperature (cold!) and foggy and/or cloudy. It’s nice to see the sun. Here it is peeking through a frost-covered tree at the end of our driveway:
Not far west on our one-mile-long road is what I call The Sentinel. Remind you of anyone you know?
A bit farther west there are trees on both sides of the road:
Our road ends on private property just beyond the irrigation channel, so it’s Brody’s and my turnaround spot. Here we’ve just turned back. The neighbors have been enjoying the speedway of the channel!
Here are the neighbor’s corrals:
Somebody I know loves the snow and isn’t near as tired of the cold as I am!
That same somebody loves to eat rose hips; I’m surprised there are any left on the bushes.
Just about back to our farm.
And when I look south-east again, towards the sun, I see there are still wisps of fog in that direction.
I hope you enjoyed this virtual walk. I’m sure it was warmer for you than it was for me!
OH my gosh….those were beautiful!
Thank you for sharing them.
Wonderful photos :). And LOL. Yes, I’ll bet I was warmer.
Beautiful! Now I want to move North…will you sell me 10 acres so I can start my alpaca farm???
Sorry, Bren. We’re in the agricultural land freeze. Both literally and climatically 😛
No sub-dividing for us.
Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing.
Okay .. these are BEAUTIFUL. I love the first and last the best, but they are ALL great. Love the hoar frost. And the dog.
Wonderful. Thank you.