Caught up in the struggles of writing a novel? Frustrated by the blinking cursor? Fighting with blank pages, soggy plots, or on-strike characters?
If you’d like to regain–or, perhaps, find for the first time–your joy in writing, why not learn How to Think Sideways from established novelist and well-loved writing instructor Holly Lisle? She’s taught thousands of writers a unique, systematic, repeatable method for creating not just fiction, but really good, rich, deep, meaningful fiction. Fiction better than anything they ever imagined they could write.
Starting today, Holly invites you into How to Think Sideways ULTRA: Career Survival School for Writers, a 29-week internet course, at the 2011 legacy pricing. At noon (EDT) on Friday, March 15, 2013, the price goes up.
What if you sign up and decide the course isn’t for you? Throughout the entire course, Holly guarantees that you can cancel at ANY time, and she will refund you for your current lesson, plus any lessons paid for but not yet received. You have nothing to lose but a little time. Time in which you’ll learn more about the process of writing than the last ten how-to books you read even hinted at. Promise.
I’m a graduate of How to Think Sideways. Some of Holly’s methods didn’t resonate with me, but many of them did. . .and still do. I learned how to find great ideas that work for me. I learned how to watch for surprises while writing, and use these gifts to their full advantage. I learned how to create a simple but effective plan for my stories’ revisions. In short, I learned to Think Sideways.
To sign up (or simply to learn more about the program) click here. Please note this is an affiliate link, so I stand to gain when you join up. But you know me; I’m not into recommending things I don’t personally believe in. Look for yourself! (But don’t click my links if you’re a Holly affiliate…)
I’m also excited to announce that Holly has hired me as her affiliate manager. If you’d like information about signing up to recommend How to Think Sideways (and Holly’s other courses) to your writer friends, please leave a comment and I’ll get back to you.